Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Will Sell My Market Bags?

I sold a total of one reusable, durable, handmade, cotton market bag this summer.  I thought they'd go like hotcakes at the local farmer's market.  No vendors use reusable bags and no one else offers them.  Go figure.  I supposed that people had gotten frustrated having spent money on reusable bags in the past, but continually forgetting them when they go shopping.  I do this myself fairly often, and I spend a good deal of time making them!  Plus, every other store carries those cheap ones at the checkout that only cost a couple of dollars.  In comparison, my bag is a downright luxury item.

Maybe better signage boasting their lead-free benefits?  I could offer some kind of incentive to customers who reuse my bags next summer at our local farmer's market.  Something like, use your bag next week and stop by for a 20% off coupon to my booth or online shop.  Another thought I've had is to wholesale my bags to vendors directly.  Or I could drop my price and not make any money on them in honor of the principle...
Any other suggestions, readers?  I'd love your thoughts!